daniel reed


This isn’t the first time I’ve hosted a blog. I think this might be the 3rd time. 

The goal

But for 2024 I’ve set myself a goal of writing one technical piece of content a month for the whole year, on this very blog.

The platform

The first blog I worked on was a success. When I moved to Sweden I started a personal blog explaining what it was like to move here and the processes I needed to go through. I later changed it to Everything Sweden and it became more of an “expats moving to Sweden” online magazine and guide. It worked out well, I made some money with affiliate ads, met people in real life that the blog had helped, and I even got invited to talk live on the Swedish news about expats and the impact of Brexit, after a journalist found the site.

After that I tried to host a technical blog of my own (fail) and then tried to use Hashnode (another fail). What caused me to fail was a lack of focus on content and too much focus on the “bells and whistles” or fancy features of the platform or custom site I built.

So this time, I’m focusing on the basics; the content. And the Bear blogging platform helps me do just that. 


Bear is a simple blogging platform that helps creators focus on their words and less on all of the noise surrounding them. 


When starting again, I had no interest in building my own blog with a headless CMS and a frontend. I’ve done it before personally and professionally. I’ve built similar setups for clients like vehicle workshops and designers, and to be honest it’s not something I want to focus on doing again in a new way. Bear got me up and running in 30 seconds. 


Another good thing about Bear being so simple is that it forces users (and me) to really focus on writing interesting content. That’s the hard part. Anyone can setup a blog. But writing really unique and interesting content is a challenge and that’s what I want to try in 2024. I’m aiming for the quality of Lee RobinsonStefan Baumgartner, and Vadim Kravcenko.

The content

So that’s my goal. 1 post per month, and my plan it to focus on topics based on my daily work such as frontend, fullstack development, tRPC, TypeScript, React, Next.js, etc.

Let's go 💯